Monday, January 31, 2011

Catching up

Sorry for the lateness, im Still getting use to navagating Max. This is my landscape, Its Area 51
Here are a couple of screenshots for my world after applying the textures.  The model looks a little more natural than before.  I guess it doesn't look too bad for a start.  I wish the textures I used were a little more high res.  The speckled texture on the mountain looked alot more defined before I applied it to the model.  It seems to have stretched and enlarged a little too much so I'm left with these big red blotches.
Level of Detail Trees

Left Tree: 620 triangles. Right Tree: 138 triangles


here are my LOD's for the project, decided to do a cyprus tree.

Sunday, January 30, 2011

Palm Tree LOD

here is my palm tree LOD done in Maya.

LODs Practice

I had a hard time figuring the modeling thing in max and how to apply the alpha :P


I started with LOD3 and just mesh smoothed it to get LOD4.  Once I was done and as I was looking at all of them, LOD4 is probably way too high in polys to be frequently occurring in a game.  Maybe as a cinematic cactus, haha.

The alpha map on my LOD1 needs to be contracted a smidge to get rid of that little white outline.

I did this in Maya because I had an unfavorable weekend and didn't want to add extra frustration by doing it 20 times slower in Max.

WOAH! Amazing work everyone! I am SO excited to see all that you are doing! This week we will be sharing our ECO at scrum.
Post your plants!

Thursday, January 27, 2011

Catching up

Alright well I'll just toss is all into one post, sketches first:

And I have a main reference image that sort of inspired me:

Don't own it or any rights to it

Its low res, I didn't think about it before I made my heightmap and I don't have time to go back and fix it.

By the way there's a long list of expletives that accompanies this, photoshop and Max have no been kind to me, and losing all of my data with a hard drive frying didn't help.

Monday, January 24, 2011

Terrain Prototype - The Afflicted


World Style Guide

Height Map

I changed the topography a little from my previous map that was posted.  I like how it turned out but it took me way too long to do

And here's the result. Definately not what I wanted.  I need more gradation in my values.


here are the shots from my terrain along with my little trees to go along with them.

Sunday, January 23, 2011

This is a work in progress of my terrain :D

World Style Guide

I've found some photos of the Carpathian Mountains in Kamchatka.  This is the sort of feel I'm looking for, with gorgeous mountain ranges surrounding lush, green valleys that have little cottage type dwellings and maybe a castle or cathedral that would be the largest structure.  I also like the idea of snow capped mountains and pine or fir type trees.

Desert Oasis Stuff

I'm making a desert Oasis. The black and white picture is my topography guide, the random pictures are my concept art/world style guide, and the other picture is how my oasis is coming along currently.

My Sci-Fi Jungle

So here are some images of my reference and concept of my Sci-fi jungle!

Im working in the terrain now trying to learn max lol


my tropical mango that will be in my world.

Saturday, January 22, 2011


Here's a few photos of an oasis I intend on modeling.

I messed around with the displacement modifier.  Here's a screen cap of my map and its effect.  Come to find out, sand dunes are kind of hard to make look as duney as they do in real life.  haha

The dark spot in the middle will be where the water is.

here is my colored concept for the terrain should have the 3d version done by trend of the day.

here are just some thumbnails of some ideas i had for the world concept, i plan to do one and paint it and give it the whole nine yards, and of course model it too.