Monday, February 28, 2011

Character Concept

I'm taking Concept Art (Art233), and it just so happens that we finished our first project last week (character concepts). I was planning on modeling the character I came up with in that class.


James said...

I like your character, I think it will come out really well. I would watch the cheek bones on your character but it coming along well.

Luke Mueller said...

Lovin' the LOL face on this guy, he has anatomical issues (but I'm sure you know that) so you might want to fix that before you use it to model off of, unless he's a cartoon-like character.

But I really like the uniform, it has a military feel to it without having much back-story. This is a really good thing to have for a character because it allows a viewer to understand a character without needing to read much into the story.