Sunday, February 13, 2011

Renders, Scene

Some work in progress Renders. C/C


Aby Bagulay said...

The texturing on the ground is great! I like it!

Ryan Ellis said...

I like the ground texture alot, and the skycube looks pretty cool. I get a real sense of doom because of the blood sucking aliens.

The water looks nice also, great job!

James said...

I love the architectural pieces they look very nice. I really like the water too great work.

The_Viking said...

I like the ships and the water, I think you did a great job on those. The ground texture is also really nice but I have to wonder how close you'll be to the ground because in some of the renders it's a bit pixelated so if you have a camera close to the ground you might want a higher res texture for it.

Luke Mueller said...

The water is probably your best asset, combined with the terrain which is extremely fitting despite how simple it was to make. They both work very well together.

I think the ships could use more detail, they seem to be more of an afterthought instead of the focus. And the skybox is giving me trouble believing the scene. I'd like to see more reds or storm clouds in the distance, to give the ominous feeling.

Tristan Moore said...

I like your concept. Its a cool idea and the spaceships look very creepy and cool. Ships of skin! Shudder.

My main problem with the scene is that a single texture just doesn't convey enough realism. It looks strange to see grass crawling down the side of a steep cliff, especially near water.

Maya lets you paint onto a 3D object and assign a texture to each color, but I'm not sure if that can be done in Max. You can actually fix this with a material though. I made a Blend Material and transitioned between a couple different repeating textures, using a large "mask" the size of the whole terrain to pick where one material or another would show up. I based it on my heightmap so it was pretty easy!

Anonymous said...

I like the look of the water in Render-8.

What you should work on most is the texture on your floating objects. They look like evil trees and I can't really tell they are made out of metal.

If you apply what Lynn suggested this scene will look really great.

Daniel Loo said...

I really like the water and how it varies in ships as well. I think the landscape looks a bit unnatural. For example, I don't think grass grows on the vertical surfaces of terrain. I would Google pictures of hills and terrains. Since it's a single texture, I would try to add variety to the surfaces.

The ships look pretty sick. Very creative. I would make the metal a bit less grungy. I couldn't tell what material it was during class. Same with the flesh. perhaps highlights would make it look more gooey. I would also make the horns look like they're coming out of something, instead of just pasted on the metal.