Mine is pretty much an old excavation site that's been abandoned for whatever reason. The sand is starting to bury the buildings. The only problem I really ran into (besides the view somehow changing from perspective to orthographic and me taking an hour and a half to figure out what was wrong) is that when we started, I didn't realize the height maps needed to be seamless. I tried to go back and fix it, but didn't have to much luck. You can't tell from these renders, but there's definitely some problems with the maps lining up.
This looks really good! I like the positioning of the pyramid, It looks believable!
I really like th epyramid, You should do the tutorial on week 7 for the water. are you planning on puting more pyramids in the far? like Lod's? The sand really looks cool.
Your models are solid, they have the right amount of detail and you placed everything in a way to produce the best environment feel.
However I noticed texture differences, the pyramid and buildings have wonderful textures on them, but the tree and terrain textures are a little empty and plain, they don't have the same grainy feeling to them. Trying combining a few different images of sand in photoshop to add some variety.
I like your sand texture it looks nice on the flat plains. the water needs a texture of some sort and it looks like something went wrong with your sky unless a locust swarm just came over. one comment on the sand would be for the large dunes in the background the texture doesn't line up with topography (ie. the big dunes shouldn'y have the blown hills on their steep sides) you might want to adjust it to make more sense.
I really like your terrain texture. The streaks in the sand look great and the dunes themselves look very convincing. They have a very natural shape that matches what I see in real photos of Egyptian desert.
If I were to look for something to improve, I'd say it needs more detail. The pieces that you have a really nice, they just aren't populated very heavily throughout the scene. My only other complaint is that the texture on the pyramid doesn't seem small enough. I wouldn't want to be the slave who dragged THOSE rocks into place!
I like how the sands are taking back the environment here. I would say you can improve it by adding in some water textures and since the sky dome is in a more dusk like feel i would like to see some darker lighting as well but good work.
I really like the pyramid texture. It tiles quite a bit but for some reason it still works for me. Maybe if you added some dirt patches or something it would make it look even better.
The palm trees seem a little too tubular. Try making them slightly thinner and add some edge loops to vary the circumference of the trunk in some areas.
I like the pyramid. I really like the houses as well.
A few things. The base of the tree is always constant. Have it shrink as it goes up. Take a close look at the houses. The amount of space between the roof and the door is next to nothing. I would expand it a bit. The wood on the door looks a bit flat as well. Same with the parts where the rocks have eroded.
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